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about minister marina



You did not choose me, but I chose you...


As an ordained minister, my passion

lies in preaching and teaching the word

of God, and prayer. I am the founder of

Intercessors ARISE whose mission is to

"advance the agenda of heaven through

prayer!"  I sincerely believe in the power

and performance of prayer in the lives of

the people of God and seek to educate,

engage, and empower believers to partner

with heaven to produce the will of God in the earth. 


I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior on December 31, 2006, at a Watch Night Service at the age of 20 while working as a contractor in Afghanistan. I answered the call to ministry 4 months later and was ordained to serve as a Minister of the gospel under Apostles Barry and Dorri Burrell, Pastors of Living Water Christian Outreach Ministries in Houston, TX. I also served under the leadership of Pastor Kenny & Brenda Rodgers, Pastors of Anointed Faith Family Church in Tomball, TX as an Associate Minister, Youth Leader, and Prayer Ministry Director. I currently serve as the Minister of Prayer and an Associate Minister under the leadership of Pastor Karla Randall at Saturation Ministries Global.


I am a human resources professional which has afforded me the opportunity to work nationally and internationally as an ambassador for Christ. I hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration: Human Resource Management with a Minor in Biblical Studies from Liberty University, and a Master of Science Degree in Leadership from Grand Canyon University. I am currently pursuing a Master's degree in Divinity from Grace School of Theology.

I am also the owner of Pivot Digital Solutions LLC, a website and graphic design company that serves ministries and organizations in the establishment of the digital footprint.


I give God all of the glory for the marvelous things he has done in my life! "You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you" John 15:16.

about intercessors arise


Intercessors Arise

God has given His ambassadors in the earth the vehicle of prayer in order to advance heaven’s agenda. As an intercessor, we have the awesome PRIVILEGE to partner with the mighty forces of God’sheavenly kingdom and Jehovah Gibbor Himself in bringing his will to pass in the earth.

Our assignment is fulfilled when “...the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever” [Rev. 11:15]. My prayer is to build a global coalition of intercessors and prayer warriors to stand in the gap and take territory for the Kingdom of God.

Those who have heard and answered the summons to stand in the gap, join this global force of intercessors and prayer partners to dismantle the forces of darkness! We cry let thy kingdom come and thy will be done oh Lord on earth as it is in heaven!

"...The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much" James 5:16.


Minister Marina

Interested in connecting

with me or learning more about Intercessors ARISE? 

I'd love to hear form you!

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